A quote: “What we as Rotarians do is touch other people … open the horizon to them … say “You matter.” You see, the five men who chose me to become an Ambassador Scholar are gone … but they’re not. They never will be. Because along the way, I will in my own share with others – and have what those five men and the 60 members of the Marshall (Texas) Rotary and the tens of thousands of other members of Rotary did in 1956 when they said, “Bill Moyers, you can matter. This quote was said by Bill Moyers, TV journalist and commentator, and former Deputy Director of the Peace Corps.
Although Ambassadorial Scholarships per se are no longer available– Rotary still offers a myriad of scholarships for secondary, undergraduate or graduate study through club, district and global scholarships.
For more information about scholarships - contact your club president or district governor. Your continued financial support enables this to happen. Thank you.