Now that the holiday season is upon us – many of us are scurrying around trying to find the best gift for our families, our neighbors, teachers and more. Here is an idea that will save all of you a great deal of time and give you an enormous feeling of satisfaction!
In place of that gift, why not give the gift of Rotary thorough The Rotary Foundation? A $100 contribution can help provide textbooks for one elementary school in Zambia, provide a hearing aid for a deaf child in Pakistan, buy de-worming tablets for 112 children in the Philippines, pay for cataract operations for three blind people in India, or provide 230 blankets for the elderly in the winter months of Korea! And there are many more opportunities even within our own country!
For more information contact The Rotary Foundation at 866-9 ROTARY (866-976-8279). Thank you for your generosity.