Turkey is home to more than 2.7 million Syrian refugees, according to the United Nations. To promote understanding among Syrian and Turkish schoolchildren, the Rotaract Club of Izmir Ekonomi trained young students to become partners in peace. Working with the Council of Europe, European Law Students’ Association, the UN, and child psychologists, the Rotaractors hosted two workshops, asking the children to express their feelings through painting. The artwork revealed that the students had a lot in common. Club members also taught the children conflict resolution skills.
For establishing peaceful relationships in the community, the Izmir Ekonomi club received the 2016-17 Rotaract Outstanding Project Award for Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia.
This is Rotary at work – its mission is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, good will and PEACE through its fellowship of business, professional and community leaders.
(Annual Report 2016-17)