To ensure strong grant projects that encompass sustainability, The Rotary Foundation has a network of Rotarian volunteers available to provide expertise and advice. They are called the Cadre of Technical Advisers. With a database of 700 experts in Rotary’s six areas of focus as well as other specialties – mediators, diplomats, obstetricians, engineers, bankers, and agronomists, for example – there is sure to be someone who can help if an obstacle comes up.
Cadre members play an important role in ensuring that donors’ funds make a long-term impact. On behalf of The Rotary Foundation, cadre members do a technical review of the feasibility of larger grants before they are awarded and perform site visits to evaluate how the grants are being carried out. “Rotarians want to know if something is not working out or if they can do something better,” says Francis “Tusu” Tusubira, a member of the cadre from the Rotary Club of Kampala-North, Uganda. “The cadre is there to give as much support as possible.”
Cadre members also perform random financial audits to help the Foundation ensure that grant funding is being used as approved. They provide accountability and quality assurance in general, and protect investors i.e. the people who donate – and also the beneficiaries. In doing that,they also protect the Rotary brand.
This is one of the ways in which your donation to The Rotary Foundation is guaranteed to be used responsibly. To donate go to Thank you.
After 5 years of sending out these Foundation Minutes I am retiring. Initiated by Past District Governor Bob Ross, we hope that these minutes helped our members understand how their donations and support benefited their communities and the world. Thank you for your continued generosity in the past and in the future. Lana Rouff