Like most rural communities in Papua New Guinea, the village of Kurt has relied on water from rivers and other unprotected sources. Contaminated water and poor sanitation increases the risk of illness and raises infant and child mortality rates.
To improve conditions in Kurt, the Rotary Clubs of Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea, and Centralia, Washington worked together on a multiphase global grant project. They used grant funding to install and maintain a 36,000-liter rainwater harvesting and distribution system, and built toilet facilities at the Madan Coffee and Tea Plantation, the area’s economic center. The project also provided systems to turn toilet waste into fertilizer, reducing the spread of water borne diseases. Today residents have sustainable access to safe drinking water and proper sanitation.
The clubs’ work will not end there. Members are planning economic and education projects to continue supporting the Kurt community.
Your contribution to The Rotary Foundation enables this to happen. Thank you.
(Annual Report 2016-17)