Through the efforts and expertise of The Rotary Foundation our clubs and districts have accomplished a great deal around the world. There is still much to be done and many of our clubs labor with the problem of funding these projects. Some clubs and districts are able to pay entirely for the project through fundraising events, such as charity dinners, walkathons or online auctions. These events will not only help you raise money for your project, but also build awareness for Rotary and The Rotary Foundation. Some other ideas are: Hold a raffle, Skip a meal at your club meeting and donate the cost; organize a walkathon, bike-a-thon or skate-a-thon. Honor a special person in your life or your community.
And many clubs struggle to find an international partner. To help TRF has created an International Service Chair. Zone 28 & 29’s chair is Craig Leiser from District 5960. Don’t hesitate to contact him at He will be happy to help.
And don’t forget: When you focus on making a difference in other people’s lives, your life is the one that improves the most.” (Quote by Roxanne Emmerich). Thank you.